Saturday, January 1, 2011

A very happy new years

So a lot has changed since the last time I posted something up here for the world to see. School is out, work isn't all that great (well that part hasn't changed), and I have a new boyfriend. We have met the families, talked endlessly and I watched as he made very thoughtful gestures that made me want to cry because they were so sweet. I haven't had the chance to tell the people that I usually share this kind of information with on a regular basis throughout my life. (not that its very long but listening to my stories you would think I lived forever). So where exactly do I start? Oh, right...the beginning.

As a few of you may know I was still recovering from a break-up of a long term relationship that was supposed to be my last seeing as though he wanted to "be with me forever" hahaha remember that line ladies? I have heard it many times before and eventhough I am only 20 as of Nov 4th of 2010 I have been proposed to by a handful of guys. (don't ask). So I'm getting over my ex and starting a new job. It was about a month and a half in so I was getting the hang of the job but still having fun meeting people. I had some cool managers and some not so cool. Some co-workers who were my kind of people and others who were a bit too much for tv if you know what I mean (secret sluts is what I mean). Im just in the men's section folding levi's when i see someone looking at them. I didn't see a nametag so i assumed that he was a customer. And being the awesome employee that I am I greeted him with our MAGIC tecnique and asked if he needed help. He then informed me that he worked there and was helping me fold levi jeans. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO then me being the talkative and freindly person I am asked how he liked the job and when he started ect ect. But after a while I noticed that I was holding most of the convo. But i didn't mind because I love to talk. And I like to observe people when I talk to them to see if I'm getting on their nerves and he just sat there and smiled while working and laughed at all my jokes and stuff.

I didn't realize that he even thought I was pretty, but he did and because my job has the worst scheduling ever we didn't see eachother for a while. When we did see eachother again he talked a lot more the next time. We decided not to exchange numbers but we saw eachother the next day and I asked if he was doing anything the next day because I wanted someone to go with me to the zoo for the spanish day festival. So I got his number and told him where to meet me at the station. (and thats how I got his number, take it from me ladies). So our first "date" was the zoo, and he stole my first kiss on our way home on the trains. During our time there he took random pictures of me and he smiled while I got very excited about seeing the elephants.

And fast forward to meeting his parents before halloween and hanging out with them on halloween, (which was awesome!) we went trick or treating! and we ended up going as the corpse bride and he was the scream face with a tux looking all cute ^^. Then on Thanksgiving I met his father side of the family and his lovely grandmother. About a week before christmas I went to his house to decorate their christmas tree and his parents have the cutest tradition and they buy a new ornament for each year that they have been together. And since this was our first christmas together they made us out the 1981 ornament on together. Part of his christmas gift from me was a 2010 ornament for our first christmas together (along with a playlist of songs that reminds me of him). And then on christmas day I met his mother's side of the family. Both sides have a lot of siblings which means countless cousins to meet. And everyone knows that I'm the girlfriend and whatnot (before it was even official on new years ^^). Another fast forward and new years we didn't get to see eachother but we did talk on the phone and changed our relationship status on facebook. hahahaha it seems like such a big deal to people but this was the easiest was for us to put it out there and we are not ashamed at all. We are happy and started over together in the new year! P.S. my mom loves him and my dad can actually remember his name! and my sisters love anyone but they really like him. All family members check! and that was my very hapy new years day story