Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Spam leaves an aftertaste -by Bob Hicok

1. I love the way he categorizes their "interest." We all know that they only do it to sell their product and make money but he made it seem as if they really cared about his body, which made it funny.

2. The serious theme is that spam emails asre very annoying and most of the time useless. This complicate's the poem's tone because it switches from annnoyed to humorous by making fun of the reandom advertisements but also making it eveident that no one likes to get them.

3. I completly understand what he means about the male enhancment advertisments along with slimming ideas and make-up. I myslef am a female but they still send me things like that everyday. I get some different things in my email box like a list of adoption agencies asking me if i wanted to take home a "bundle of joy" today, knowing that it takes a long time to adopt a child.

1. It may be considered a later-day version because of the "conversation" between him and the female.

2.Bob Hicok is just speaking on the impact of spam emailing on people's lives while Tony Hoagland speaks of America with it's stereotypes, money, lies, slander,and images is sufficating their people.

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